We Work with Human Services & Non-Profit Organisations
The Open Training College has spent more than 30 years working as training experts and consultants for the human services and non-profit sector. We have brought to that role a combination of extensive first-line experience, a detailed knowledge of the space and a range of bespoke tools, methodologies and models that allow us:
- Capture first-line experience and integrate it into training initiatives
- Tie together training, performance support and continuing professional development to offer more effective, responsive and efficient services and meet regulatory requirements
These various elements are the foundations upon which all our courses are built but they have also been used, as an analytic and critical framework, to create a range of collaborative services. Typical use cases include:
- Creating bespoke versions of our own programmes to meet specific organisational needs
- Developing custom courses around, for example, disability awareness, regulatory compliance etc.
- Undertaking regulatory compliance assessments and audits.
Our consultancy services can be organised into three categories:
- Customised Training
- HIQA Training and Collaboration
- eLearning

Customised Training
We provide customised training solutions for the disability, human services and non-profit sector. These include creating customised versions of our own courses and designing, developing and delivering customised training programmes. You can read about some of these by clicking the links below.
- Making the Move – Helping Bring Services into the Community
- Resolving Conflict – Learning to Mediate & be Creative Works
- Standardising Support to Service Users – Building Responsive Services for People with Intellectual Disability
Learn More
You can also read about some of the customised training projects we engaged in with partners here.
HIQA Training & Collaboration
The Open Training College works in partnership with human services agencies and organisations to deliver HIQA training and collaborative services to the sector. Typically the goal of this is to provide senior, middle, first line managers and supervisors together with frontline staff with the:
- Knowledge and skills required to deliver high quality, person centred services skills
- Collaborative supports to ensure their organisation meets the HIQA regulatory requirements
Services include:
- Assessing HIQA readiness
- Assessing standards compliance
- Collaborating on service quality
- Customised regulatory standards training
- Management tools for implementing and monitoring standards
Learn More
You can read a case study describing a typical programme here

We have a demonstrable track record in designing, developing and delivering eLearning solutions to the human services and non-profit sector. The benefits of moving training from a purely class-room based activity to a blended format where face-to-face and virtual delivery are combined to create a more flexible, cost effective and efficient training model are well known. But there is a major difference between being able to identify the benefits and developing and executing a strategy that will deliver them.
As a college we have actively embraced the blended approach and understand, at a strategic and practical level, the challenges and possibilities involved in using eLearning as a training tool. We have worked with a variety of groups to develop customised versions of our own programmes and design custom eLearning strategies that help them address the challenges and opportunities eLearning offers their own organisation.
Typical services include:
- Developing courseware that satisfies mandatory (initial and refresher) training requirements. These are delivered via:
- A customised online learning centre that is dedicated for the use of clients and partners.
- The agencies own learning platform
- Creating bespoke online learning products/materials
- Building custom learning platforms based on specific organisational needs
- Delivering training programmes to personnel involved in the management of online education for human services and non-profit organisations to ensure their courses deliver an effective learning experience
Learn More
You can visit our own heavily customised learning centre here. You can also explore a sample course we have made available to the public here.
Please contact us, using the form below if you would like access to one of our custom learning centres or a sector-specific course (such as Back Care & Manual Handling, Fire Prevention, Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults).
How Can We Help?
Contact us if you want to know more about our services and what we can do for you.
Call or eMail
Call: (+353 1) 298 8544
Mail: Click Here