So long Judith Snow and thanks for all the gifts.
On May 31st, this year, the world of disability activism, indeed the world itself, lost one of its brightest stars, Judith Snow. Described as the ‘Julia Roberts’ of the disability community, with her passion, enthusiasm and dedication, equally as famous;…
Read MoreEurovision Disability Punk Revolution
[dropcap style=” box,”]P[/dropcap]unk has long been the music of rebellion. Best exemplified by the Sex Pistols and their lead singer who has since gone on to advertise butter, Johnny Rotten. The man who screamed into the microphone, ‘ever get the…
Read MoreThe customer is the most important person on our premises
After recent events, there is an outcry and the behaviour of staff has been damned. But will the service and systems these service users found themselves in be heavily scrutinised and changed or, over time, will the status quo prevail?…
Read MoreThe Conferring – Celebrate what you want to see more of
The highlight of any College year is conferring. The day when a College gets to confer awards on the students who have stayed the course, survived the modules and passed the assessments. This event is no different for the Open…
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