The Art of Inclusion

When leaving the new library in Dun Laoghaire on Saturday, I was surprised to come across an exhibition being held by Downes Syndrome Ireland (DSI). The ‘Here I am’ exhibition (more on the exhibition photographed by Dan Murphy here). All…

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What do social care workers do?

When asked by a person at a party what do you do, how would a social care worker reply? What is a social care worker? What do they do? An imagined conversation may go like this. Are you a social…

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People Planning

[dropcap style=” box,”]P[/dropcap]lanning is a big part of service provision. Supporting a person to plan their life is a massive undertaking. Think of your own life and if someone supported you to plan for every part of your day, year,…

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Disable the labels

The world can be a confusing, complicated place. To deal with this the human brain is very keen on the creation of labels and cognitive shortcuts to try to put some order on the chaos. The terms used about people…

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